Possible Uranium Spill Occurs in the Detroit River

A partial collapse of a seawall on the property that was holding aggregate dirt piles that potentially is contaminated with uranium has spilled into the Detroit River during the Thanksgiving weekend. The site has been marked as contaminated with uranium by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency. Detroit Bulk Storage currently leases the site which was formerly owned by Revere Copper and Brass factory in the 1940s and 50s for use of World War II-era research and development, in an effort to build an atomic bomb. Regulatory agencies were not informed of the spill until days afterward and, of course, they are concerned about the impact it may have on the environment and the public water quality. To read more on this recent spill, click here

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What You Should Know About Hexavalent Chromium

Due to the rising attention given to the seeping of hexavalent chromium (or “green goo”, as called by area residents) in Madison Heights, MI, it is important to understand how you can protect your family from such dangers should they arrive near your home.

What is Hexavalent Chromium?

While the hexavalent chromium (made famous in the movie Erin Brockovich) seepage in Madison Heights poses little health risk to residents due to differing drinking water sources, it is important to understand exactly what this health risk is and what it can do to you and your family. Hexavalent chromium, according to this OSHA article, is one of the valence states (+6) of the element chromium, usually produced by an industrial process. Cr(VI) is known to cause cancer and targets the respiratory system, kidneys, liver, skin, and eyes.

What Can be Done to Prevent This?

What happened with the Electro Plating Services building in Madison Heights was the result of gross incompetence with waste disposal by the owner and thus posed a huge risk to residents who are ill-equipped to deal with such contaminants when the seepage was discovered, as reported in this WXYZ article. A net positive with this unfortunate incident is the growing awareness of how to deal with potentially harmful contaminants in your home’s water going forward. One proven combatant to contaminants like Cr(VI) is reverse osmosis, which sends water through a thin membrane that naturally filters particles too small to be filtered through prefilter systems located within the overall reverse osmosis filtration system. By installing a system like this in your home you’re able to keep harmful contaminants, not only Cr(VI) but a vast quantity of other similar agents, out of your home’s water and keep your family safe.

Reynolds Water is the best local source that provides you with a variety of filtration systems to keep your family safe. Give us a call and we can set you up with the right system for your family at the best price in the area.

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Mysterious Water Leakage

A peculiar instance of water testing is scheduled for this Friday on mysterious green-colored water that oozed out onto eastbound Interstate 696 in Madison Heights a week earlier. According to this Detroit News article, the groundwater is believed to be contaminated with hexavalent chromium, which produces the green color that had onlookers scratching their heads. Due to the potential danger of this contamination, especially the possibility of local rivers and lake contamination, action is being taken immediately to remedy this situation to keep nearby residents safe. The origin of the water is believed to be from the Electro-Plating Services plant located nearby, which incidentally would not be the first time the plant has been in the news for water-related incidents. Results of the testing are scheduled to be released on Friday.

The experts at Reynolds Water Conditioning have a solution to your homes unique water quality needs including: arsenic, bacteria, chlorine, rotten egg smell, fluoride, hard water, iron, lead, acid, tannins, radon, and more.  More information on our water treatment solutions including water softeners and conditionerswater filtration and purificationreverse osmosis drinking water, and iron & odor removal can be found online at https://reynoldswater.com.

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New Membranes Created For Water Purification

A new development has been made with the creation of plastic membranes that could be the solution to more effective and affordable options for water purification. These membranes are created by polymers that produce a shape like a fusilli pasta that has microscopic hydrophilic pores that attract water. The pores can capture the water molecules and ions of a specific size. This new finding shows that this membrane can catch the water particles that are unsuitable for drinking and can also catch lithium from the water that can then be reused for batteries. Developing countries can most definitely find this new research very valuable since nearly half of the world is having issues with water scarcity so these membranes can be very promising for creating new freshwater options and for large scale renewable energy storage. More information on this new development in membranes can be read here.

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Hard Water Impacts More Than Just Our Homes

When dealing with hard water, many homeowners know that hard water will affect the taste of their water, leave orange stains on many hard surfaces, create a more difficult time cleaning, and can cause damage to our appliances with time as hard water leaves behind mineral deposits. When looking at the effects hard water has on the environment, it is less known. In this article, many of the environmental elements that can be affected by hard water are discussed further. Some of the impacts can be positive, such as hard water playing an important role in pH regulation in water bodies that will make a difference for fish and other aquatic animals. Another positive point of view is for the industrial buildings to create the ability to make concrete. On the other hand, there are many disadvantages of hard water such as with the pharmaceutical and textile industries with more waste created causing even larger problems. One thing is for sure that hard water should be treated in order to prevent the disadvantages from occurring in o outside our homes. It is recommended to have your water tested by local water experts and solutions such as a water softener can be put into place.

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Reverse Osmosis technology is the future

A solution to increasing problems of water quantity and quality that continues to worsen as the global population grows along with climate change is being explored more in-depth with the process of water desalination. The process of desalination uses the technology of reverse osmosis with large tanks full of sand filter impurities from seawater along with several hundred steel tubes with special membranes. The industry is expected to grow more in plant sizing in the next 5 to 10 years, but there are several obstacles that are still standing in the way such as costs and the brine remains and what will be most environmentally friendly options. More details on this topic can be read in this New York Times article. Reverse Osmosis is an excellent option for water filtration and can be a product used in your homes as well. If this system is something you would like to learn more about, contact Reynolds Water and a specialist would be happy to answer all of your questions.

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Why We’re Likely to See More Water Alerts for Lead

In the wake of the Flint water crisis, former Governor Snyder and Governor Whitmer of Michigan put into place the strictest regulations for lead in drinking water across the nation. While the state has until 2040 to replace underground lead service lines that connect water lines to homes and buildings – the goal to reduce lead “action levels” from 15 parts per billion to 12, the federal limit takes time. Previously, Michigan only required testing on the first liter drawn. Now, our regulations require testing the fifth liter as well, which will expectedly detect more lead in our water.

To read more on this original news article click here

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Choosing A Reverse Osmosis System

Reverse Osmosis systems are a great option for water filtration when your tap water is not optimal to consume. These systems are easily installed under your sink and are attached to your faucet for water use that filters tap water to remove any contaminants missed by standard filters. Once you have decided that this type of system will be a perfect fit for your home or business, there are a few considerations that should be additionally thought about provided in this article, certain factors such as size, replacement filters, output, pricing and features are several considerations to decide on. Near the end of the article, a FAQ portion can be found with popular questions and answers about reverse osmosis systems. If you still need additional information on these devices, contact Reynolds Water, Michigan’s oldest water conditioning treatment company, with specialized experts happy to answer any other questions you may have.

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Tips to Maintain Your Well Water Systems

Homeowners that have well water save money by not having a water bill each month, but it comes with a catch. Well-water systems need proper care and maintenance but with regular inspections and at-home tests, your well can live a happy life span of about 10 years. Following 5 other advice tips in this article will allow your well water system to operate efficiently. These tips include paying attention to your water for any changes, taking an annual water test to look for any contaminants, check your water softener, and keeping a clean water house. Lastly, it is always great advice to consult a professional well water specialist to inspect your system routinely. Older systems should be checked yearly while the newer ones can be done every 5 years. Following these time lengths will help any negligence that could create larger issues from occurring.

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How are Water Filters and Water Softeners Different?

Two common words used when speaking about devices that help control and monitor the water that comes into your home are water softener and water filter. People often confuse them for being the same device, but they are very different in terms of what they do and how they operate. A water softener may help make drinking water taste better similar to a filtration system, but it does not clean or make water safer to consume. In the article Water Softener Vs. Water Filter, 10 comparisons are listed in more depth explaining how these two devices are separate from one another. Understanding the key roles of a water softener and water filters will help in the decision of which item or possibly having both will benefit your home more completely. If you are still unsure which items would be best for your home, it is always wise to contact a professional water conditioning company and have them test your water to point you in the right direction.

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