5 Ways to Tell That You Need A New Water Softener

If your sinks and appliances are full of stains or your skin is itchy and dry, you may find your water is the cause of the problem. Hard water leaves lime scale behind, which affects the longevity of your appliances and the comfort of your clothes. A new water softener may be just what you need and here are five ways to tell.

Your Appliances have Lime Scale Buildup

Check the inside of your appliances. If water softening is necessary, the hard water will get through and leave mineral deposits behind. The mineral deposits will also buildup in your pipes, causing a blockage! The buildup will look like a white, chalk-like substance. It’s a mixture of magnesium bicarbonate and calcium and will leave to your appliances suffering wear and tear damage earlier than they should. Soft water doesn’t cause this problem.

Your Skin Is Dry and Itchy

With more magnesium and calcium in the water, your skin will suffer. Soap and shampoo try to help, but they can’t stop the deposits soaking into your pores. The deposits also don’t dissolve in hard water, meaning they’re not easily removed. That residue on your skin will dry and become rough. You skin is itchy and dull because of it.

Your Glassware Breaks Easily

You’ll first start seeing water stains on your glasses, but if you don’t get a new water softener you can end up with a more serious problem. The residue will weaken the glass material, causing it to become brittle. It’s easier to break. Even just a slight knock with another glass could see the material shattering.

If you do have a problem with staining, use a vinegar solution in your dishwasher or your sink water. The vinegar will help to break down the residue and protect your glassware. However, it’s only temporary and you will need to invest in water softening eventually.

Your Plumbing Always Needs Repairing

Do you constantly find you need to call a plumber out to your home? It is possible that the hard water is causing the problem. When the chalky substance builds up in your pipes, the piping becomes blocked. You will need to get a plumber out to fix the issue so you don’t have a flooding properly. There may also be a problem with the water coming into your home. The water pressure may be low, due to blockages before it reaches the taps.

However, there can also be a problem around the valves in your dishwasher and washing machine. The minerals build up around them, preventing them from closing. The water in the appliances overflows and floods your home.

Your Water Bills Are Increasing

The amount you spend on your water could be a clue to needing a new water softener. If you’ve changed nothing in the way you use your water, but the costs are increasing considerably, you may find that a mineral buildup is causing a problem. The pipes have to work harder to make the same amount of water flow into your home.

To help determine if you need water softener installed have it tested for chemicals in your water and to determine the level of hardness in the water.  Maybe you have a water softener installed already but are seeing the above symptoms?  It could be time to have the softener serviced or replaced. Consider the above five signs and whether they’re occurring in your home to determine if you need an updated water anaylsis.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website https://reynoldswater.com.


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Water Softeners Compared to Water Filtering System

Water is truly an elemental part of our lives. We need it to survive. We need it to stay healthy. The need for daily consumption of water means that we have to make sure that we have access to non-contaminated water. Drinking water that contains any kind of organic or metallic contaminants could end up becoming a health issue.

The search for the best possible way to get rid of contaminants in water has been long. We have been able to come up with several solutions that could prove to be efficient, but some are more common and useful than others without a doubt.

Softeners vs Filter Systems

There are many people out there who wonder about the difference between water softeners. The truth is that water softeners are best for taking out bad smells, and iron build-up while water filtering systems are often used to remove foreign containments within the water. Water softeners are more likely to end up removing a larger number of contaminants and this makes them ideal for consumption.

Choosing Water Filtering

Water softeners could be used for this too, but they will out on anything that is not hardness causing. This means that it will remove calcium and magnesium, but not other contaminants or even industrial chemicals. The best way to do this is to use water filtering if you want to ensure the removal of as many contaminants as possible.

Water softeners are perfect when you have issues such as lime buildup. If the water has a strange taste to it, the filter is going to be the most reliable option. The key thing to consider is that water softeners and water filtering systems are both useful. You just need to know when to use each one. There are several scenarios with water contamination and each one needs its own treatment process.

Both Products Have Advantages

Both water filtering and water softeners are pretty good at purifying water, but they both have different uses without a doubt. Just learn which situation fits each of those solutions better and you are going to get very good results in the process. Filtering systems are the most common in households and they get the job done efficiently. Just make sure that you can find quality filtration systems or softeners. This is essential if you want to be able to get results that are ideal for your needs.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website https://reynoldswater.com.

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5 Things To Consider Before Buying A Water Softener

A lot of homeowners are asking the Internet ‘what is the best water softener for my home’. However, it is not the type of water softener that matters here as much as your needs. Also, it is important to know the purpose of every water softener before actually purchasing it for your home.

Basically, hard water that comes from your tap contains minerals, iron and other impurities. These can cause many water appliances in your home (water heaters, washing machines etc.) to become clogged up and not last as long as you would expect them to. Hard water can also affect your laundry and work surface, as well as the bathroom, building up over time.

Tips For Buying A Water Softener

However, you have to be cautious when buying a water softener – and always refer to the following tips before making your decision.

1)            Make sure you have hard water that needs softening – First and foremost, you should make sure that your home has hard water to begin with. Hard water is defined as one that has more hardness minerals than one grain per gallon – which can be tested easily.

2)            Determine how much softened water you need daily – Buying a water softener is not an easy decision, especially with all those different models out there. So, make sure to determine whether it should be fully manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic – all based on the needs of your household daily and the output of all the equipment you are reviewing.

3)            Is it necessary to remove iron and manganese – If your water softener is salt-based, make sure to see if the salt may cause health problems for you, mostly because of the sodium salts and the possibility of overloading your septic system.

4)            Review the cost of installation – The price of a water softener is not the same when you see it – and when you add the installation cost to it. So, make sure to not be ripped off by the company that does the installation and negotiate the price accordingly.

5)            See if you are willing to maintain it – Water softeners need maintenance. Even if you get a fully automatic one, maintenance is still necessary – and it basically includes restocking the salt supply for the brine solution and cleaning the brine tank periodically.

Final Thoughts on Buying A Water Softener

As you can see from what’s mentioned above, there are numerous considerations when it comes to choosing a water softener for your needs. The most popular water softeners are salt-based but the reality is that there are four different processes for softening water, all in need of proper maintenance and cleaning.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website https://reynoldswater.com.

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