Hard Water Solutions – Rochester, MI

Soften hard water Rochester MI


Hard water contains higher levels of dissolved calcium and magnesium. It makes cleaning clothes more difficult, creates streaking on dinnerware, and makes cleaning your hair and skin well difficult. It can also damage your home’s piping distribution system if not corrected.  There are high efficiency hard water solutions that will condition your water by removing these minerals through the proven ion exchange water softening process.

white scale on dishware Rochester MI

High Efficiency Softener

Hard water solutions

water softener is a type of whole house water filtration system designed for softening as well as removing dissolved iron and manganese.  For water with high levels of iron or manganese, an “up-flow” water softener is recommended to prevent mineral build-up in the bottom of the water softener.  Also, high efficiency water softeners that use less water and salt in the backwashing process are preferred.  For more on hard water, see the link at https://www.energy.gov/energysaver-dealing-hard-water.

White scale on fixtures Rochester, MI

Compare your test results to the above chart

Water Testing for Health Threats

While certain minerals & contaminants can be tested on-site (iron, hardness, pH, alkalinity, total dissolved solids), health threat items like radon in water, arsenic in water, nitrates and others should be properly sampled and brought to a certified laboratory for testing that requires specialized equipment.

white streaks on glasses Rochester, MI

Hard Water Scale

In following, there are many other types of whole house water filtration systems or “point of use” systems. These can remove bad tastes & odors and many other objectionable minerals and contaminants in the water.  However, starting with a water test will lead to the right approach. For more information about our services see http://reynoldswater.com/in-home-water-softener-maintenance

soften hard water Ann Arbor MI
Water softener company near me Ann Arbor, MI

Reynolds Water Conditioning has been installing and servicing water softening and filtration systems since 1931. Each system is tailored to meet the specific needs of each homeowner or business owner. To reach us, call 800-572-9575 or email us at service@reynoldswater.com.

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