Benefits of Saltless Water Softeners

The biggest benefit of saltless water softeners is that they do not use salt to soften the water. Many people find that salt from traditional water softening systems is extremely drying to the skin, even when present in small amounts. For these people, water softeners that use salt actually create more problems than they solve. Saltless water softeners are the perfect solution because they use resins that only have minute traces of salt on them.

The resin inside saltless water softeners also lasts much longer than the salt in traditional water softeners. Thus, owners do not need to refill the filter medium in saltless water softeners as often as they would in a traditional salt water softening systems.

Cost of Saltless Water Softeners

The total cost of a saltless water softener can vary widely. However, the cost of a basic saltless water softener, including installation, will run from $500 to $1500.

Home owners will still need to buy salt for a saltless water softener that is used for the brine solution. The brine solution is only used during recharging of the resin beads. Thus, saltless water softeners use much less salt than traditional water softening systems.

Both saltless water softeners and traditional salt water softening systems will solve the problems associated with hard water in a home. It’s best to compare water softening systems before deciding on one to purchase.

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Original Date: May 31 2018

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Increase Water Quality With A Water Filtration System

Health care experts advise people to drink at least 8 full 8 oz. glasses of plain water every day to stay hydrated. This is important because the human body is two-thirds water and without an adequate supply of fresh, clean drinking water your body will be at risk. Most homes in the United States are either hooked up to a municipal water source or localized well water.


Unfortunately, just because the water source is supposed to be safe and healthy to drink, there have been issues in the past whereas one or more of the water sources like a water well was contaminated. If this is a fear you have then there is something that you can do to prevent your family from drinking contaminated water without any knowledge that it is happening.


One solution would be to have a full house water filtration system or one that attaches to the faucet and filters the water before it comes out. Most water filtration systems work by having the water flow through some type of media material that is designed to trap even the tiniest of contaminants present in the water. There are several different types of water filtration systems and each one works in a unique way to clean the water and prevent you from being contaminated.


5 Different Types of Water Filtration Systems

Activated Carbon Filter Systems

Activated carbon filters or carbon filters for short work trapping suspended particles in the water and also helps to absorb chlorine and other chemicals that after often responsible for causing the smelly odor in your water that comes out of the faucet. Most of the systems that use these type of filters make it possible for them to be replaced periodically.

Reverse Osmosis Filter System

This filter system works by forcing the water under pressure through a membrane that will only allow water to pass through it and nothing else. This is also why RO is used to convert seawater (saltwater) into drinkable freshwater. The RO filter is usually part of a total water filtration system.

Alkaline/Water Ionizer

One of the more popular health kicks these days is alkaline water. One of the reasons is because is being reported that many of the most common illnesses thrive in acidic conditions.  By drinking only alkaline water, you reduce the acidity level within your body you could help to possibly prevent one or more of them.

UV Filters

Ultraviolet filters are used specifically for killing dangerous bacteria when present in a water supply. By exposing the water to ultraviolet radiation any bacteria will be killed without having to use dangerous chemicals or heating up the water. This type of filter is also typically found as part of a multiple stage filtration system.

Infrared Filters

This type of filtration system combined heat and electricity to filter and soften the water by negatively charging the water to change its molecular structure. These type of filters work a lot like Alkaline and Water Ionizers.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website



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Don’t Find Out The Hard Way What Contaminates Your Water

Have you ever worried about what is in your tap water? Following the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, and test results showing lead in in the water in other communities across the country, it’s a warranted concern.

From the properties of the water itself to whether the pipes carrying the water are OK, there’s a lot to think about when it comes to the water we use for drinking, cooking and bathing. To explore these concerns, public health and safety organization NSF International conducted a survey of more than 1,000 Americans with the goal of understanding perceptions and behaviors when it comes to drinking water safety.


Among many other findings, the survey revealed that most Americans drink tap water and are concerned about contaminants in their water. While the majority has a general understanding of how water purification systems work, most aren’t taking steps to better understand what’s in their drinking water, nor are they purifying it accordingly.

Of the 71 percent of Americans that drink tap water at least sometimes, more than half (55 percent) are concerned about what they’re drinking. Not surprisingly, parents are more likely to be concerned than people who do not have children, and more parents say they know what’s in their water than those surveyed who do not have children.


Even with more than half of Americans saying they’re either concerned or simply do not know what is in their water, 42 percent aren’t taking steps to understand or purify the water in their home.

While 71 percent say they do understand that all filters are not created equal and that different filters reduce different contaminants, few Americans are taking action to improve their water. Of those that say they purify, the most common reason is simply that the filter came with their home or is built into their refrigerator.


So, how can you be sure the water in your home is safe? While you might not be able to eliminate all contaminates, there are some steps you can take to make it safer.

First, get a certified water filtration system. Make sure the system you’ve chosen has been approved by a third-party certificate body, like NSF International, which tests water filters and other safety products.

You can also send in your water for testing at a certified laboratory. Just be sure to use a sample from the early morning, before anyone in your household showers or before you do things like laundry or the dishes.

If you’d like to learn more about water safety, NSF International offers numerous resources to help you learn how to better purify the water in your home.

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Original Date: May 25 2018

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6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Reverse Osmosis

Many homeowners are looking into reverse osmosis water treatment as a useful method for treating contaminated drinking water.  RO is probably best known for its use in turning seawater into actual drinking water however, it’s also an effective way for treating water quality problems your home might be facing. Having a reverse osmosis water system in your home can reduce how much bacteria, particulates, and other common things found in contaminated drinking water so that you drink only clean water. Here are a few reasons why you’ll want to get a reverse osmosis water filtration for your home:

High Quality, Drinkable Water

Water that has been treated using a reverse osmosis water filtration system is totally drinkable and some cities actually use this treatment when there’s too much saltwater in the water. You’ll be able to taste the difference in the cleaner water since there are no impurities that will give your home’s water a funny taste.

Increased Peace of Mind

If you live in an area that’s plagued with issues in the water, getting a reverse osmosis water system will make you feel better about the water you drink. It can make a lot of sense and is a great option for removing trace minerals in your water.

Decreases Sodium in Your Water

If your home has a water softener, a reverse osmosis water filtration system will reduce sodium in softened water. This way you enjoy the benefits of both soft water and purified water.

No Need for Bottled Water

When your water is filtered with a reverse osmosis water system, you no longer have to spend money on bottled water since your water is cleaner. This will also reduce plastic waste while also saving you money in the long run.

Better Tasting Food

The impurities in the water you have at home can affect the taste of the food you make, but that won’t happen when your home has its own reverse osmosis water filtration system.

Clearer Ice

Have you ever wondered why your ice cubes look cloudy? That’s because of all the impurities in the water. Having a reverse osmosis water filtration system in place will give you crystal clear ice cubes, which is an indication of cleaner water.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website





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Is Your Local Tap Water Affecting Your Skin?

We all know that it takes a lot of trial and error to find a skincare regimen that works. Skincare isn’t a one-size-fits-all, and what works for someone else may not necessarily work for you. That being said, more and more people are dropping water from their daily skincare regimens. They are replacing it with creams, balms, and wipes.

The claim that tap water is bad for your skin is nothing new, but is there enough evidence to suggest that we should be avoiding it altogether? Here’s everything you need to know.

There Are Different Types of Water

The water that comes out of your tap varies depending on your location. Different types of water may all look the same, but they have diverse pH levels and varying mineral contents.  Water is broadly classified into hard water and soft water. These terms are related to the specific mineral ion content found in the liquid, which in turn is a factor of the rocks of different regions. For instance, soft water generally contains lower levels of magnesium and calcium compounds than hard water.

Both types of water have their pros and cons, and there are varying degrees of “hardness” or “softness.” Understand the kind of tap water you’re getting by looking into local water sources and doing some research. You can then take the necessary steps and precautions.

Ways to Protect Your Skin Against Tap Water

No matter what type of H2O flows out of your tap, there are a few steps you can take to counteract any damage it may be doing to your skin. If you have hard water, you could try using a water softener. This will help bring down the mineral content which is usually responsible for dry, tight-feeling skin.

An alternate option is a water filter which works by straining out impurities and heavy metals from your water. There are different types of filters available for taps and showers.

Another preventative measure you can take is to treat your skin post washing. Right after you shower or wash your face, apply a toner followed immediately by a moisturizer. Look for skincare products with protective ingredients like vitamin C, vitamin E, and aloe vera. These will keep dryness and skin damage at bay and also get rid of any remaining impurities.

One more important factor to consider is your diet. Consuming antioxidant-rich foods can help defend your skin against any free radical damage caused by your tap water.

white towel on top below are two small vials filled with olive oil glass container with sliced cucumbers half sliced lemon two aloe vera leaves light brown background, natural ingredients for skin The Best Natural Ingredients You Can Add to Your Skin Care

By taking a few precautions, you can get the glowing skin you’ve always wanted!

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Written By: Aishwarya Anandanathan


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Troubleshooting Your Homes Water Supply

No matter where your homes water comes from, a well, a spring, or the city, problems can exist.  Individual water quality issues are fixed with distinct water treatment solutions. It is our job to help determine what solution will work best in treating and eliminating your homes water issue.  From hardness to foul smells, we have a solution to bring you high quality water throughout your home.  There are several issues that are commonly found in water throughout Michigan homes.

Common issues with your waters quality:

  • Hardness
  • Foul Odors and Taste
  • Mineral Buildup
  • Acidic
  • Arsenic

Hard Water:

Most often homeowners don’t know that they have hard water.  What they do know is that there are spots on their glassware, laundry appears dingy, increased usage of soap, change in the texture of hair and skin, increased energy costs, and scale build up on faucets and such.  Homes affected by a hard water supply have plumbing that tends to age quicker than those who seek to soften the water.  The most common way to treat hard water in your homes water supply is with the installation of a high-quality water softener.

Foul Odors and Taste:

Foul odors and strange tasting water is something extremely noticeable to homeowners.  Water can taste unpleasant metallic, chlorine, or can smell awful like rotten eggs, when this occurs one of the most common treatment options that is suggested is using an activated carbon filtration system.  Backwashing carbon filtration systems are a combination of a large filter filled with activated carbon media.  This removes foul tastes and odors from your whole house water supply leaving you with high quality water throughout the home.

Mineral Buildup:

Homeowners may not notice that they have an accumulation of minerals taking place within their water supply. The most common symptoms of a build up of iron and magnesium include unpleasant metal taste, staining, reddish tinted water, odors, and rust particles in the water. The treatment for a mineral buildup is the installation and usage of an iron filter system.


When the porcelain surfaces start to turn from white and ivory to green and blue green there is an issue with acidic water, low ph within the water.  What this means is that your water supply has acid in it which is causing a corrosion of your pipes and plumbing fixtures.  The fix for the issue of acidic water is with an acid neutralizer using Calcite.


Arsenic is an element found naturally within ground water.  Arsenic within your homes water supply can cause adverse health effects even in low concentrations as it is a carcinogen at high concentrations.  In order to remove arsenic from your water supply homeowners should install an arsenic reduction system.

All water supplies need to be treated on an individual basis as symptoms can also be masked by other occurrences within the water supply.  Free water analysis is done to diagnosis the issues that are found within your homes water to ensure that the treatment options is specific for your water needs.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website

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What Is a Water Softener? The Secret to Clean Hair and Dishes

“Water softening” might seem like a term out of a (rather dull) science-fiction movie; but, in fact, a water softener can make a big difference to homeowners. Essentially, a water softener strips hard water of certain minerals to make the water feel more luxurious and make your hair, body, and clothes cleaner.

Another huge benefit? “The ease of housekeeping and cleaning,” says Mike Donley, president of Phoenix-based Donley Plumbing and Air Conditioning.

“Once you get used to it, you really miss it when you’re traveling,” adds Donley, who has had water softeners in his last two homes.

Before we plunge into the details of water softeners, let’s cover hard water and why it’s not ideal to have in your home.

What is hard water?

Hard water refers to tap water that contains high amounts of dissolved magnesium and calcium. Your house likely has hard water if you notice the following:

  • Your dishes come out of the dishwasher coated in spots or film.
  • You see spots or soap scum buildup on your glass shower door.
  • You need to use more than the recommended amount of soap to wash your hair and body, or detergent to wash your clothing.

Although those effects are mostly cosmetic, hard water can cause serious damage to pipes. When hard water is heated, it can cause calcium carbonate to form around a faucet. Over time, this buildup can damage your pipes.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, 85% of American homes have problems with hard water, with the hardest waters found in Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, Arizona, and Southern California.

What is a water softener?

A water softener is a device that is used to remove magnesium, calcium, and other ions that make water hard through a process called ion exchange.

How much does it cost?

Installation plus cost of the water softener typically ranges from $1,500 to $5,000, according to Donley. For $3,000, he says, you should be able to get a high-quality water softener for a medium-size home.

What should you look for in a softener? One that’s sized properly. The size of the softener is determined by the size of the water line entering your home (measured in gallons per minute) and the number of bathrooms. If you have it handy, the home inspector’s report should list the number of gallons per minute.

How to prep for water softener installation

In order to install a water softener, your home will need to already have installed a soft water loop (a copper line that loops out from the wall) near the main waterline. The main waterline will typically be in the utility closet or by the water heater. If your home doesn’t have a softener loop, a plumber will have to install one, which will take more time.

Installation can take anywhere from a few hours to all day. Be sure to clear the space around your main line so the plumber can reach it. Water will be shut off.

After the water softener is installed, ask the contractor or plumber to check the water hardness to ensure it’s working.

Unless you have copper soldering skills, it’s better to hire a pro to do this job, Donley says. Likewise, it’s typically in your best interest to have a contractor or plumber pick the water softener. If there’s a problem with the water softener, the plumber or contractor may repair the softener instead of charging you a separate fee.


To keep your water softener in working condition, clean the filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For most water softeners, you’ll want to periodically fill it with about 30 to 40 pounds of salt or potassium, which help flush out and clean the water softener’s filter.

Have a pro come out and service the water softener every three to four years, says Donley.

With proper care, a water softener should last about 10 years.

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Original Date: May 10 2018

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Water Treatment Systems Improve Water Quality

There are a variety of water purification systems that can be used to improve the quality of the drinking water throughout your home.  To determine what type of water treatment system your home needs it is important to understand the qualities that each system offers in increasing water quality.  Professional water analysis can be done on your homes water to provide you with a more accurate look into the actual issues plaguing your water supply, from rust to arsenic, your drinking water could be affected.

Using the right system to purify the water in your home can help to keep your family healthy.  It is common knowledge that we need eight glasses of water or more each day to maintain personal health; purer, cleaner water dispensed from the faucets in your home help to increase the water that is consumed by your family daily.

There is a major difference between water softeners, conditioners, filtration systems and purification.  It is important to understand that water purification solutions leave valuable minerals in your water supply while eliminating harmful elements that may not be seen or smelt.  Hard water and smelly water issues are not solved with the installation of a purification system however common contaminants such as chlorine, cryptosporidium spores, giardia cysts, viruses, and pharmaceuticals are eliminated.

Not all water needs to be purified so it is crucial to understand the issues with your homes water before purchasing a water treatment system.  Water purification systems go a long way in removing common contaminates that may alter your health.  They can be installed so that they treat the entire supply of water throughout your home or specific areas where water is supplied.

Water softeners unlike water purification systems bring homeowners high quality drinking water by removing iron, rust, odor, sediment, and smells.  Softeners remove the minerals that make the water hard.  Some of the symptoms that your home could benefit from the use of a water softener is dry skins, smelly water, staining, and clogged plumbing.  Water softeners are installed treating the homes entire water supply.  Water softeners can use salt or potassium chloride using a process of ion exchange. 

The water treatment option that is used to bring you quality water will be determined by your water analysis.  There are times when a homes water supply will need more than one treatment solution to bring families quality water.  Hard water can contain contaminants that a water softener will not remove thus a water purification or filtration system needs to be installed either at the point of entry (whole house) or point of use (faucet).

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website

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Get Crystal-Clear Tap Water in Your Home Today

Reverse osmosis sounds like something we learned in science class, but what does a reverse osmosis water filter do? In a nutshell, it helps homeowners get better-tasting water by removing certain elements. After installing a reverse osmosis system, many folks appreciate the high-quality water that comes out of their taps; the water tends to taste and smell better, and the ice cubes are clear.

“It’s as if you’re drinking bottled water without the bottles,” says Mike Paice, a water specialist with the Sunny Plumber in Las Vegas.

Evian-quality water flowing freely from your kitchen faucet? It sounds like a real money saver, especially if you frequently buy bottled water. Read on to learn if installing an RO water filter in your home is a good decision for you.

What is a reverse osmosis water filter?

Water that runs through an RO system is filtered a number of times: through two different types of liquids and a permeable film that allows through only the water molecules. Therefore, the water that comes out of your faucet will be rid of impurities but still have important minerals.

RO systems are typically installed under the kitchen sink, and the filtered water comes out of a separate faucet. The filtration system can have anywhere from two to five filters, but the number of filters isn’t as important as the integrity of the filters, says Paice.

The two filters you’ll want to look for are carbon and sediment. These filters will remove contaminants such as Giardia, salmonella, E. coli, and Norovirus, and common chemicals, including sodium, chloride, copper, chromium, and lead, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Paice says to make sure the water filter you purchase is certified by the Water Quality Association.

RO water filters last about 10 years.

Reasons to not install a reverse osmosis filter

If your home’s water pressure is below 65 psi (pounds per square inch) or higher than 100 psi, you might have issues with an RO system.

When you put water in a filter system, it reduces the water pressure. If the water pressure is too low, your ice maker won’t get enough water and your showers will be miserable.

But if the pressure is too high, the pipes on the RO system can break and potentially flood your home. This is rare, but it can happen. If you’re seriously considering installing an RO filter, the smartest thing to do is consult a plumber to determine if it will work with your home’s water system.

If you want to test your home’s water pressure yourself, place a pressure gauge on your hose bibb, aka the faucet on your home’s exterior. If water pressure is an issue, you can still get a filter, but you’re more likely to have problems, says Mike Donley, president of Phoenix-based Donley Plumbing and Air Conditioning.

Demineralizing the water can remove beneficial elements such as calcium or fluoride from the water. But cooking with demineralized water is also shown to keep essential elements from food, so it might be wise to speak with your doctor before installing an RO filter.


One of the biggest advantages of an RO system is that you can install it and not bother with it for a while. They’re very low maintenance, and the filters need to be changed only once a year. You can do this yourself or hire a pro. If you go the DIY route, make sure you’re buying the appropriate filter for your system and that you shut the water off before you change the filters. The cost of a visit from a plumber is about $150, says Donley.

Every few years, you’ll have to repressurize the storage tank, which is a job for your plumber.

Installation and cost

The average cost of an RO system, including installation, is $500 to $700, according to Donley.

If you’re having a system installed, you’ll want to clear out the space underneath the sink for the plumber. Installation will take a few hours. Afterward, you’ll have to flush the system out a few times. You also won’t be able to drink from the faucet when the system is being flushed out and the storage tank fills with water. But within a half-day, you should have fresh drinking water.

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Published Date: April 16 2018

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4 Ways Water Softeners Improve Your Waters Quality

Water plays an important role in our everyday life and overall well-being, so it’s only prudent to ensure that we have a continuous supply of quality water for our homes, not only for our own good, but for the good of our appliances, energy bills, and of course our wallets.

The most cost-effective way of improving the quality of your water is using a water softener. Why? Water is often described as either hard or soft water.  Most often your water is hard if you have had to call a plumber a couple of times to remove an unsightly scam build-up in your drains.

Hard water is the most prevalent in many households, and it’s considered “hard” because it contains a high concentration of dissolved minerals and impurities, most predominantly calcium and magnesium collected when the water moves through soil and rocks. While they are good minerals for your health, like too much of anything, too many minerals in your homes water can wreak havoc to laundry, household appliances, clog pipes, washing machines, water tanks, boilers, and renders soaps, detergents and cleaning products less effective.

Even though hard water doesn’t seem to pose a health risk, the damages an over-abundance of minerals can do are serious.   Consider the following benefits of using a water softener system.

  • Water Softeners Remove Impurities in Your Homes Water

Water is a great carrier of impurities and installing a water softener system will remove the high concentration of calcium, magnesium, and other minerals that make water hard troublesome. Using a water softener will prevent iron/rust staining, mineral build up, dry hair and skin, and an abundance of bothersome issues that arise from hard water.

  • Water Softeners Eliminate Limescale Build-Ups

The high mineral content in the form of calcium and magnesium in hard water reacts with detergents, soap, and shampoos creating an abundance of soap scum build-up.  If you’re tired of scrubbing scum build-up around the tub, sinks, or dishes then it is time to use a water softener system as this will help eliminate the build-up and improve the quality of your water.

  • Water Softeners Create Water That Is Soft Thus Better for Your Skin and Hair

Hard water is particularly harsh on the skin especially for people with conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis, because it leaves the skin extra dry and very irritated, thus causing extreme discomfort and more frequent, severe outbreaks. Hard water also makes your hair feel extremely rough and prolonged use can lead to brittle hair and eventually hair breakage.

  • Water Softeners Can Save Users Money Over Time

Hard water decreases the lifespan of your appliances, makes cleaning hard, blocks your pipes. It results in using more water, energy, maintenance bills, cleaning products, and more. Not only will installing a water softener system improve the quality of your water, but it is also affordable to run and use for only a few bucks a year.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website

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